The eastern bluebird is the Missouri state bird. It is also the state bird for New York. The eastern bluebird eats insects, wild fruits, and berries.
These birds can sometimes eat larger prey such as snakes, lizards, and tree frogs.
The House Sparrow is a very good swimmer. These birds can even swim under water to aviod predation. These birds are extremly adaptable to their enviornments. They live in diverse enivornmensts all over the world.
American Robins can have a full nest up to 3 times a year. However many robins die within 2-6 years if they survive birth. Robins can live up to 14yrs. Robins can become intoxicated if they eat too many honeysuckle bunches. Robins eat differnt foods thorughout the day depending on what time that they eat. They eat worms in the morining and fruit in the afternoons.
The Blue Jay is has interestibg migration patterns. Blue Jays don't always migrate to warmer climates in the winter. Some choose to stay put year round. Blue Jays will sometimes take and eat eggs out of other birds nests. Blue Jays can also mimic hawk calls.
Female Northern Cardinals are one of the only North American female birds that sing. These songs often tell men when to bring food around. In the spring, cardinals have heightend hormones for defense, which is why they commonly attack their reflectons. The northern cardinal is the state bird of 7 states
This page was created by Pamela Richards © 4/19/23. All information came from All About Birds